There is always something exciting to see when visiting the Creation Evidence Museum in historic Glen Rose, Texas. With exhibits on display like the London Artifact, the Burdick Track, the Meister Print, and museums main attraction, the 1/20 scale Noah’s Ark replica, visitors are sure to spend hours examining each exhibit. For those who would like to expand their visit to the museum, they should consider signing up for the public dinosaur track excavations hosted each year by the museum.
This year’s public excavation will be open to the public and will be starting Monday June 27th and run through Friday July 1st. Each morning at 8:00 AM participants will meet at the museum to receive instructions for the day and then travel a short distance to the McFall property located next to the Paluxy River. Once on property the excavations will begin under the direction of Dr. Carl Baugh.
Dr. Baugh is the Founder and Director of the Creation Evidence Museum of Texas in Glen Rose. He is the scientific research director of the world's first hyperbaric biosphere, simulating Earth's atmospheric conditions before the world-wide flood of Noah's day. He is the discoverer and excavation director of sixteen dinosaurs, including Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Diplodocus in Colorado.
The excavations will conclude each day at 1:00 PM and participants are encouraged to return to the museum each evening at 6:00 PM for a special guest lecturer. This year’s lectures will be by Professor John Heffner where he will be presenting on the topic "Evidence for Creation", each evening Monday through Thursday. Participants can attend the entire excavation, or they can choose which days’ work best for their schedules. The cost is $15 per person per day and will be due each day of the dig in which you participate. No children allowed ages five and under. Cool clothing is encouraged but please no shorts or swimwear as you will spend quite a bit of time crouching and, on your knees, performing the excavations. Kneepads, sunscreen, bug spray, hat and sunglasses are also encouraged. Also, each participant must bring their own tools which include: • 1-inch wooden handle paint brush (must be wooden) • Small 3-inch pointed trowel • Flanged masonry hammer • Plenty of drinking water
Each participant must sign a Release of Liability Form for the Creation Evidence Museum and the private landowner, on whose land we excavate (parents must sign for children). This releases the Creation Evidence Museum and the landowner from liability in case of accident or injury. Please understand that the excavations take place along the limestone ledges of the Paluxy River. Thus, we must be aware of, and deal with, the elements of nature, such as poison ivy, snakes, ticks, and heat. This is not an excursion to your local science museum. It is participation in an actual on-site excavation. Children participating are the full responsibility of their parents. No one will be allowed to wander off from the planned activities, and everyone must remain within the boundaries described by the Director. We must observe these rules for the safety of all.
So, what can you expect to find on your excavation? Without spoiling our next issues article on what the McFall property has yielded from prior excavations, we will tell you to be prepared to be amazed. In a recent private excavation participants uncovered several tracks approximately twenty-six inches in length and bore webbing in the forefeet and claws projecting to the sides, which indicates the tracks were made by a Pterosaur or multiple Pterosaurs. The intriguing thing about the discovery of the tracks is they were found in the same place where a small broken bone from an Acrocanthosaurus was discovered. With the pattern of the tracks, it suggests the Pterosaur was on a scavenging expedition. The final track discovered showed the Pterosaur stepping to the right which could mean a future excavation could yield the discovery of additional bones from a carcass, as well as more tracks.
As previously mentioned, we will be diving into greater detail of the excavation and its discoveries in the August issue of Texas Life Magazine. However, if you would like to be a part of the upcoming excavation, we encourage you to sign up quickly as limited space is available. If you are not able to attend this year’s excavation keep watching for the dates of next years on the Creation Evidence Museum website at God Bless and Safe Travels